In a not too distant future, there exists a world-famous virtual reality video game called Lost World. Kang Tae-Young..."/> In a not too distant future, there exists a world-famous virtual reality video game called Lost World. Kang Tae-Young..."> In a not too distant future, there exists a world-famous virtual reality video game called Lost World. Kang Tae-Young...">
Read Farming with Girls (여자들로 파밍한다) manga, one of the most popular manga covering in Adventure, Fantasy, Mature, Romance, genres, written by Hoho at ManhwaTo, a top manga site to offering for read manhwa online free. Farming with Girls has 23 translated chapters and translations of other chapters are in progress. If you want to get the updates about latest chapters, lets create an account and add Farming with Girls to your bookmark.
In a not too distant future, there exists a world-famous virtual reality video game called Lost World. Kang Tae-Young plays this game, however he only fights monsters for his bullies’ entertainment. While farming items for his tormentors’ benefit, he happens to discover a mysterious item… “The seal is being broken – – Yoma’s eyes have been synchronized with the Warrior. ‘
Tae-Young has gained a suspicious ability that helps seduce women! Based on the nature of this ability, if you’re able to successfully dominate women, then wealth and love will follow.
From being a Farming slave, through the power of finding an item, his life has now become an erotic adult game fantasy!!